Source code for mocca.visualization.results_plot

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Jan  7 15:12:02 2022

@author: haascp
import pandas as pd
import altair as alt

from mocca.dad_data.utils import sum_absorbance_by_time

[docs]def plot_chrom_with_peaks(chrom): """Plots summed absorbance vs time with highlighted picked peak zones.""" df = pd.DataFrame({ 'time': chrom.dataset.time, 'absorbance': sum_absorbance_by_time( }) fac = df.shape[0] // 1000 if fac > 0: df = df[::fac] xlabel = 'Time (min)' ylabel = 'Summed absorbance (mAU)' title = '' chart = alt.Chart(df, title=title).mark_line().encode( x=alt.X(df.columns[0], axis=alt.Axis(title=xlabel)), y=alt.Y(df.columns[1], axis=alt.Axis(title=ylabel)) ) peaks = [peak for peak in chrom if peak.idx > 0] areas = [] borders = [] for peak in [p for p in peaks if p.idx > 0]: # choose color if peak.pure and not peak.saturation: color = 'green' elif peak.pure and peak.saturation: color = 'orange' else: color = 'red' peak_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'start': [chrom.dataset.time[peak.left]], 'stop': [chrom.dataset.time[peak.right]] }) area = alt.Chart( peak_df ).mark_rect( opacity=0.2, color=color ).encode( x='start', x2='stop', y=alt.value(0), # pixels from top y2=alt.value(300) # pixels from top ) areas.append(area) brdrs = pd.DataFrame({'peak_borders': [chrom.dataset.time[peak.left], chrom.dataset.time[peak.right]]}) border = alt.Chart(brdrs).mark_rule(color=color).encode( x='peak_borders') borders.append(border) peak_tips = {'peak_max': []} for peak in [p for p in chrom if p.idx < 1]: peak_tips['peak_max'].append(chrom.dataset.time[peak.maximum]) rules = alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame(peak_tips)).mark_rule(strokeDash=[5, 5]).encode( x='peak_max') fig = chart + rules for area in areas: fig = fig + area for border in borders: fig = fig + border fig = fig.configure_axis( grid=False, titleFontSize=16, titleFontWeight='normal' ).configure_view( strokeWidth=0 ).interactive() return fig