Source code for mocca.user_interaction.campaign

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Dec 13 09:05:19 2021

@author: haascp
import logging
import dill

# init of campign instance
from mocca.peak.database import PeakDatabase
from mocca.components.databases import QualiComponentDatabase
from mocca.components.databases import QuantComponentDatabase

# process functions
from mocca.campaign.process_funcs import process_compound_experiments
from mocca.campaign.process_funcs import process_experiments
from mocca.campaign.process_funcs import process_gradients

[docs]class HplcDadCampaign(): """ Main class for HPLC-DAD campaigns containing all user input as well as results from the data analysis. """ def __init__(self, autosave_path=None): self.autosave_path = autosave_path self.hplc_inputs = [] self.settings = None self.peak_db = PeakDatabase() self.quali_comp_db = QualiComponentDatabase() self.quant_comp_db = QuantComponentDatabase() self.chroms = [] self.warnings = [] def _reset_campaign(self): """ Resets the campaign to a state so that a full campaign data processing can take place. """ self.peak_db = PeakDatabase() self.quali_comp_db = QualiComponentDatabase() self.quanti_comp_db = QuantComponentDatabase() self.compound_chroms = [] self.chroms = [] self.bad_chroms = [] self.warnings = [] for hplc_input in self.hplc_inputs: hplc_input.processed = False if hplc_input.gradient: hplc_input.gradient.dataset = None
[docs] def save_campaign(self, path='hplc_dad_campaign.pkl', remove_raw_data=False): """ Saves campaign object as pkl file. If remove_raw_data is True, all raw data are removed before saving to reduce file sizes. """ if remove_raw_data: for chrom in self.chroms: chrom.dataset.time = [] chrom.dataset.wavelength = [] = [] for hplc_input in self.hplc_inputs: hplc_input.gradient.dataset.time = [] hplc_input.gradient.dataset.wavelength = [] = [] with open(path, 'wb') as file: dill.dump(self.__dict__, file)
[docs] def load_campaign(self, path='hplc_dad_campaign.pkl'): """ Loads campaign object which was saved as pkl file. """ with open(path, 'rb') as file: self.__dict__.update(dill.load(file))
[docs] def add_hplc_input(self, hplc_input): """ All reaction concentration are metadata and should be trated like reaction temperature etc. Only give compound_conc if standard. If compound_id given: Add new peak to component db and update it If conc given: Add peak to quanti_component with same compound_id and update Store user input concs as negative conc in peak """ for i, exp in enumerate(self.hplc_inputs): if exp.path == hplc_input.path: del self.hplc_inputs[i] logging.warning("CampaignWarning: Path {} was already used for " "different HPLC input. New HPLC input replaces " "the old one.".format(hplc_input.path)) hplc_input.processed = False self.hplc_inputs.append(hplc_input) if self.autosave_path: self.save_campaign(path=self.autosave_path)
[docs] def process_all_hplc_input(self, settings): """ This function sets all expeirments of the cmapaign to the unprocessed state and processes all given hplc input. NOTE: This function has to be run if a new compound is added to the component database via compound experiment so that all peaks are assigned consistently """ self.settings = settings self._reset_campaign() process_gradients(self.hplc_inputs, self.settings) chroms = process_compound_experiments( self.hplc_inputs, self.peak_db, self.quali_comp_db, self.quant_comp_db, self.settings ) self.chroms.extend(chroms) chroms = process_experiments( self.hplc_inputs, self.peak_db, self.quali_comp_db, self.quant_comp_db, self.settings ) self.chroms.extend(chroms)
[docs] def process_new_hplc_input(self): """ Only unprocessed runs are analyzed. No compound runs are allowed. Settings can only be changed via provess_all_hplc_input. """ process_gradients(self.hplc_inputs, self.settings) chroms = process_experiments( self.hplc_inputs, self.peak_db, self.quali_comp_db, self.quant_comp_db, self.settings ) self.chroms.extend(chroms)