Source code for mocca.peak.purity_funcs

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Nov 23 15:55:25 2021

@author: haascp

from mocca.peak.utils import get_peak_data, is_unimodal

import numpy as np
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

[docs]def get_trimmed_peak_data(peak): """ Returns peak data trimmed with cut edges of the peak to 5% of max absorbance to avoid noise artifacts. """ peak_data = get_peak_data(peak) return peak_data[:, np.sum(peak_data, axis=0) > 0.05 * np.max(np.sum(peak_data, axis=0))]
[docs]def get_max_loc(peak_data): """ Returns the maximum location of the given peak data. """ return np.argmax(np.sum(peak_data, axis=0))
[docs]def get_noise_variance(peak): """ Filters dataset with only timepoints whose max absorbance at any wavelength is below 1% of max absorbance. Returns the average of the variance over all wavelengths. """ noise_data =[:, np.max(, axis=0) < 0.01 * np.max(] return np.mean(np.var(noise_data, axis=0))
[docs]def get_correls(peak_data, max_loc): """ Get a list with correlation coefficients of UV-Vis spectra at every timepoint with reference to the UV-Vis spectrum at maximum absorbance. """ correls_to_max = [(np.corrcoef(peak_data[:, i], peak_data[:, max_loc])[0, 1])**2 for i in range(peak_data.shape[1])] return correls_to_max
[docs]def get_agilent_thresholds(peak_data, max_loc, noise_variance, param=2.5): """ Returns the thresholds calculated by the Agilent purity algorithm. """ agilent_thresholds = [(max(0, 1 - param * (noise_variance / np.var(peak_data[:, i]) + noise_variance / np.var(peak_data[:, max_loc]))))**2 # noqa: E501 for i in range(peak_data.shape[1])] return agilent_thresholds
[docs]def get_purity_value_agilent(peak_data, correls, agilent_thresholds): """ Uses Agilent's peak purity algorithm to predict purity of peak. Param gives strictness of test (original was 0.5, which is more strict) """ # check if > 90% of the points are greater than the modified agilent threshold. agilent_test = np.sum(np.greater(correls, agilent_thresholds)) / peak_data.shape[1] return agilent_test
[docs]def predict_purity_unimodal(correls): """ Checks for unimodality of a peak by an averaging filter of length 3 on the correlation vector to the maximum """ return is_unimodal(np.convolve(correls, np.ones(3), 'valid') / 3, 0.999)
[docs]def get_pca_explained_variance(peak_data): """ Calculates the ration of explained variance by the first principal component of the devonvoluted peak data. """ pca = PCA(n_components=1) return pca.explained_variance_ratio_[0]