Source code for mocca.decomposition.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Jan 14 09:01:51 2022

@author: haascp
import numpy as np
import itertools

from mocca.dad_data.utils import sum_absorbance_by_time

[docs]def check_comp_overlap(peak, comp): """ Checks if a given peak overlaps with a given component. """ return comp.left <= peak.left - peak.offset <= comp.right\ or peak.left - peak.offset <= comp.left <= peak.right - peak.offset
[docs]def check_any_compound_overlap(peak, quali_comp_db): """ Checks if a given peak overlaps with any component in the quali_comp_db. """ return any((check_comp_overlap(peak, comp) and 'unknown' not in comp.compound_id and 'impurity' not in comp.compound_id) for comp in quali_comp_db)
[docs]def check_same_uvvis(parafac_model, spectrum_correl_coef_thresh): """ Checks if any two parafac components share the same UV-Vis trace. """ spectra = parafac_model.factors[0] if all(np.corrcoef(spectra[:, i], spectra[:, j])[0, 1] > spectrum_correl_coef_thresh for i, j in itertools.combinations(list(range(parafac_model.n_comps)), 2)): return True else: return False
[docs]def check_summed_factor_uvvis(parafac_model, spectrum_correl_thresh): """ Checks if summed UV-Vis spectra of the PARAFAC factors add up to the pure UV-Vis spectrum. """ summed_parafac_spec = [] for spectrum in list(zip(*parafac_model.factors[0])): if not summed_parafac_spec: summed_parafac_spec = spectrum else: summed_parafac_spec = [val_i + val_j for val_i, val_j in zip(summed_parafac_spec, spectrum)] comp_spec = parafac_model.data_tensor.relevant_comp.spectrum if (np.corrcoef(summed_parafac_spec, comp_spec)[0, 1] > spectrum_correl_thresh): return True else: return False
[docs]def check_comp_in_impure(parafac_model, absorbance_threshold): """ Checks if the maximum absorbance of the known PARAFAC component in the impure peak exceeds the absorbance threshold. """ integrals = parafac_model.factors[2] comp_idx = [] comp_integrals = [] for integral_slice in integrals[:-1]: comp_integrals.append(integral_slice.max()) comp_idx.append(integral_slice.argmax()) if not all(idx == comp_idx[0] for idx in comp_idx): return True else: comp_idx = comp_idx[0] spectrum_sum = np.sum(parafac_model.factors[0][:, comp_idx]) elution_max = parafac_model.factors[1][:, comp_idx].max() integral = integrals[-1][comp_idx].max() abs_max_comp_in_impure = spectrum_sum * elution_max * integral if abs_max_comp_in_impure < absorbance_threshold: return False else: return True
[docs]def check_absorbance_thresh(parafac_peak, absorbance_threshold): """ Checks if maximum absorbance in synthetically created PARAFAC peak dataset exceeds absorbance threshold. """ max_absorbance = np.max(sum_absorbance_by_time( return max_absorbance > absorbance_threshold